Papercuts by Joe

How is it possible that I’ve never before featured Papercuts by Joe? I was browsing through Joe’s shop over the weekend, gawking in amazement at all of the wonderfully intricate, hand cut papercuts within – I was even amazed by the insect papercuts, and I really, really don’t like bugs – when I realized that I had never featured Joe’s work here. So, I thought, what better way to brighten up a Monday morning than with a bevy of beautiful papercuts?

Here are just a few of Joe’s amazing papercuts, which would make the perfect gift for a first anniversary, a wedding (the silhouette of the couple on the bicycles is so sweet), or any special occasion where paper lovelies are welcome (that would be every occasion).

Papercuts by Joe

images from Papercuts by Joe

Weekly Wrap #60 : Fruitylicious

Weekly Wrap

Fruit Wrapping Paper

Fruit Gift Wrap

How about this for a cool gift wrap concept? Happy F&B, a branding and design agency, creates a collection of custom wrapping paper for their clients and friends each year at Christmas, and this past season’s wrap was this fantastic, double-sided fruit gift wrap. Wait, it gets better. The three wrapping paper designs – banana, orange, and watermelon – came with fruit-label inspired stickers … and the papers were printed with scented ink. Scented ink! The scratch and sniff sticker obsessed girl in me loves that. – via The Dieline

images from Happy F&B

Fern Eyes Papercut

Fern Eyes Papercut

I am continually amazed and inspired by Elsa Mora’s (aka, Elsita’s) papercut work, and one of her latest pieces, Fern Eyes, has my jaw on the floor. This incredible papercut was entirely handcut with an X-acto knife, which makes the piece even more amazing, and I love that Elsa used rich, scarlet red and moss green papers, which bring additional depth and vibrance to the piece.

Elsa Mora Detail Fern Eyes

images from Elsa Mora

Die-Cut Stationery by Sophie Gallo

Die Cut Stationery

Sophie Gallo, whose amazing handmade business cards I featured last September, sent over these lovely die-cut cards and stationery sets that she’s been working on recently, and I’m digging all of the neat die-cut shapes and details that are included in each set. Plus, I’m completely obsessed with patterned envelope liners, so you know I’m loving those!

Here’s a selection of the new stationery sets that you can find in Sophie’s shop:

Die Cut Stationery Sets Sophie Gallo