I love the idea behind the new Friends With Benefits project by Baltimore based printmaker, Erin Wallace. Erin wanted to share her love of letterpress with artists and friends in fields that don’t normally get much letterpressin’ love, so she asked seven madly creative people whose work she admired to create a piece with the first Friends With Benefits collection theme: piles. Each artist used the same two-color palette, and Erin printed and packaged them for all of us to enjoy!

As Erin says, “This project’s mission is to not only reap the benefits of all parties having madly talented friends and acquaintances, but to really prove that the anonymous printer/artist relationship isn’t the way things need to be. I’m proud of my craft and everything I print contains my absolute lust of printmaking.”
Artists participating in the first Friends With Benefits collection include Andrew Neyer, Sam Alden, Jen Mussari, John Chae, Jordan Bernier, Alyssa Nassner, and Luke Pearson, as well as letterpress printers, Typecast Press and Gilah Press. Also, a portion of the proceeds from the project will go to MAP International. Check out all of the letterpress goodness that you’ll find in your FWB package:

images from Friends With Benefits / Erin Wallace