Pistachio Press just launched three new letterpress wedding invitation designs, and they’re all absolutely gorgeous! I can’t decide which I like the best, but I think I have a big crush on the Mexican Tile design. I absolutely love the design elements, and the shade of ink that’s used in this example is fab-u-lous!

So darling bunnies and bunting!

And I’m really liking the stylized feathers in this design. If you chose an autumnal color for this suite all of the invitations have customizable color and font options you’ll have a beautiful feather/leaf look for a fall wedding or occasion.

Pistachio Press uses rubber-based inks and biodegradable citrus-based solvents for press clean-up, and they print on 100% tree-free cotton papers or recycled papers that contain at least 30% post-consumer waste. They also re-use or recycle office and shipping supplies.
images from Pistachio Press