Raise your hand if you can easily spend half an hour looking at paint chips in Home Depot (or wherever), even if you have no plans to paint anything, and you (not so) secretly wish that you could take the entire paint chip wall with you when you leave. *raises hand and waves it in the air*
One of my biggest frustrations with living in an apartment is not being able to paint the walls. Then again, this might be a good thing, as I’d probably be painting the walls a different color every month. But, even if you’re in a situation like me, you can still pick up a few paint chips to calm your color lust.
I love Real Simple’s clever idea for reusing and recycling paint chips by using them as gift tags. They add a great pop of color on a background of white or another neutral color. Write your note or “to” and “from” with a white or metallic marker or pen, and you’re good to go!
image from Real Simple