I’ve got so many awesome holiday greeting cards for you today, so get ready for some eye candy! You’ll see a little bit of everything, from screen printing greetings, to whimsically illustrated cards, with a few more letterpress goodies thrown in for good measure. This is part one, and part two will be coming right up.

Clockwise, from top left: selections from Darling Clementine’s Christmas Collection; Merry Christmas by Michelle Brusegaard; Reindeer by Geoff Wagner for Paper Culture; Let It Snow letterpress card from Sweet Harvey; Wishing You Joy by Good on Paper; Rainbow Stripes by Paper Culture; Happy Holidays letterpress card by Hammerpress

Clockwise, from top left: Scratch and Sniff Holiday Cards by Melangerie (available in pine, gingerbread, and candy cane); Merry Christmas letterpress by Sycamore Street Press; Pretty Presents from Up Up Creative; Comfort & Joy screen printed card by Itty Bitty Press; Joyeaux Noel by Evince Design
images from their respective owners