On My Wishlist : Papercraft

Papercraft Book

Papercraft Book

Over the past (almost) three years of blogging, I’ve seen some amazing creations crafted from paper, and the trend of creating art and design work from this ever versatile medium seems to be gaining momentum, especially over the past year. German publisher, Getstalten, has taken notice of this trend and will be publishing Papercraft, a book all about the wide spectrum of artistic works created from paper. Filled with gorgeous paper eye candy, this book went on my wishlist, oh, about five seconds after I spotted it. Papercraft will be available for purchase this September, and I’ll be waiting! – spotted on HOW blog

images from Gestalten

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3 comments on “On My Wishlist : Papercraft

  1. Lola G. commented //

    Did you notice that the book will come with a DVD that has printable templates?! Looks like a winner.

  2. kristen commented //

    How could I have missed the template filled DVD? Thanks for mentioning it! This moves the book even higher on my wishlist.

  3. Jayne commented //

    Just wondering if you have bought this book since its release? I was interested in it but thought the price was maybe a bit steep but curious if it is worth it? Thanks

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