This year was my first at the National Stationery Show, and what a whirlwind it was! My NSS buddy, Erin Vale, and I had an absolute blast, and I was so happy to finally be able to meet so many of the talented paper gals and guys whose work I admire. I seriously felt like, for the two days I was there, I was walking around a huge eye candy store for paper lovers. Above: a rainbow of paper from the Envelopments booth.
It’s wonderful to check out paper goods online, and thank goodness for the internet because I don’t know what I’d do without my daily dose of pretty paper, but it’s even better to see high quality paper goods up close and personal, where you can feel the texture of the paper, run your fingers over the impressions (if it’s letterpress), and have the tactile experience that you can’t get online. I was so jazzed to see:

Monsieur Boudin! I’ve been completely enamored with this collection, illustrated by Labpartners, since it came out, and seeing it in person at the Vigo booth was fantastic.
Sycamore Street Press’ letterpress cards on display. Doesn’t the collection look lovely all together like this?
Fun, oh so whimsical, three dimensional Wishing Trees from Hello Hanna (available in July). These will be perfect for centerpieces at weddings, showers, birthdays, and other special days. I can definitely see why these won the NSS’s Best New Product award in the Party category.
Loved seeing Red Oak Press’ line in person, especially the William Morris letterpress cards (second shelf), which are even more beautiful in person. And their new Dog Wisdom line (third shelf) is so much fun.
Pomsicles from Cat Seto! Seriously, these are so cute, and I think that having a fuzzy pom pencil topper would make taking tests and writing grocery and to do list so much more fun.
Just a few of the new letterpress cards from Hello! Lucky, including Sock Monkey Sam cards and mermaid and unicorn cards, illustrated by Julia Rothman.
images by yours truly