Eep! How adorable are these exotic bird prints by illustrator Jen Skelley? The colors, the cuteness, the feathery foof! Seeing these birds reminds me of a foofy experience that I had during an art class in college. My theme was “goddesses”, and I was so inspired that I just kept going and going with one of the goddess’ hair until she had tentrils and twists sky high.
I loved it, but my teacher didn’t have the same appreciation for it (his loss) as I did and poked fun. The entire class laughed, and I think that any aspirations I had to be an artist were crushed right there in Drawing 101 or whatever class it was. Good thing I was an art history major, huh? Anyway, I still loved my goddess’ over the top updo, and I still harbor a not so secret love for the foof. My only problem is going to be deciding which of these exotic birdies to purchase:
Check out more of Jen Skelley’s wonderful illustrations here, and see more Gocco prints (of exotic birds and other fun things) at her Etsy shop.
images from Jen Skelley