Yesterday was the official launch of Nonpareil Magazine, my new project with Maddy of the Inspired Bride, and what a day it was! The response has been absolutely amazing, beyond what we could’ve imagined, and I am so humbled and flattered (not to mention excited) about the feedback that we’ve gotten thus far. A big thank you to all of you who have Tweeted about the magazine and mentioned it on your blogs and sites. I am truly grateful.
The past few months have been an amazing adventure, and I’m so glad to have gotten a chance to work with Maddy and to get to know her better. She’s an amazing talent, and has been wonderful to work and laugh with, and even though this is a huge project with deadlines and stuff that’s usually not so fun, we have had lots of fun and silly times that have kept us both sane during the long hours and late nights we’ve encountered throughout the project.
I am also endlessly amazed by and thankful for our contributors, who have been so generous in sharing their talent. Vale Design, Twig & Thistle, Cottage Industrialist, Bread of Many, Roxanne Bradley, Wiley Valentine thank you for contributing such lovely printable invitations. Carter & Cook, Jackie Wonders, The Floral Lab, Posh Paperie thank you for the fabulous Shimmer & Shine feature. Michael Haug, Conor Lawrence, and Larry Callahan thank you for the beautiful photographs. Carol Stopera, Ouma Clothing, and Nicole Richards thank you for the fantastic stylistic contributions. And, last but not least, Devon Hague, thanks for being our very first fanboy!
I hope you enjoy the first issue, and we’re so excited about sharing upcoming issues, too!