Playing with Books Giveaway Winner

Playing with Books Giveaway

Congratulations to Erin, who posted comment #69 and is the winner of the Playing with Books giveaway! Erin, I’ll be in touch with you shortly to let you know how to claim your prize.

Here’s what Erin had to say about paper:

I am a paper-hoarder. Any beautiful paper. Any cool postcard or announcement or greeting card. If I like it, I keep it. My poor husband is so gracious about the piles in the craft room. (I’m a lucky wifey!) I have a 1-year-old so don’t get much time to paper craft, but I cut up the hoards of paper I have and usually turn them into greeting cards so they can brighten someone else’s day the way they did mine! I’d love to check out this book and get more ideas for ways to use my paper.

Thanks to everyone for your wonderful giveaway entries. I’ll say it again —you gals and guys are so creative, and I love hearing about what you’re up to! Rock on with your paper projects!

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