So many fantastic paper-related freebies have been created lately that I just had to get them together and feature them all in one big post. I’m sure that you’ll find a few that you can make over the weekend. Speaking of which, have a great one!

1. Beautiful, printable bubble bath labels from Amy at Eat Drink Chic. Additional labels and bubble bath making resources over here, and you MUST see all of the printable vintage style apothecary labels, too! Thanks to iDiY for introducing me to this lovely site.
2. Do you love cross-stich? Do you love stationery? Put them together with free cross-stitch stationery printables from Wedding Style Guide – via iDiY
3. Sunny and beautiful printable floral note flats from Ez at Creature Comforts.
4. The most elegant grocery list that I’ve ever seen, from Erin at Vale Design. Erin’s blog has been filled with great printables lately, including the fab, printable recipe cards here and here.
5. A fun and whimsical hand drawn visual packing list from House on Hill Road. Perfect if you want to get the kids involved in packing for trips and vacations! – via Each Penny Pretty
6. G-g-gorgeous vintage postcard ephemera brushes from Miss B at The Blah, Blah, Blahg. See the full list of links to these pretties over at iDiY.
7. Adorable baby shower printables from Alpha Mom. Printables include baby bunting, invitations, and cute cupcake toppers. – via Craft
images from their respective owners