I’m sure that I say this every year, but wow did the holidays speed on by! I hope that everyone had a good season, and if this is your first day back, as it is mine, I hope that it’s easy for you to get back into the swing of things.

Oh, to be one of Facebook’s top advertisers and to receive one of their absolutely incredible holiday gifts! These 19″ x 19″ square art posters are printed, embossed, and foiled to perfection down to the last little detail, and there are so many of said details that I could probably stare at this for hours just taking in all of Facebook designer Ben Barry’s signature illustrative and typographic details.

The shark detail is awesome:

The awesomeness continues in the packaging of the holiday gift, which features custom rubber stamping, packaging tape, and ridiculously cool silkscreened wood tokens that include a custom code that recipients can redeem for a charitable donation.

Check out many more images from Facebook’s 2009 holiday gift project, including preliminary sketches of the poster and details, over at For Print Only.
images from FPO