You guys and gals rock! Seriously. I can’t get over how creative your entries for the Roll-O-Decks giveaway were one of you even wrote a Roll-O-Decks poem (thanks, deb!), which totally made my day. Thank you for making the giveaway such a success, and thank you for sharing your creativity. I really wish that I could afford to get Roll-O-Decks for all of you!
Now, without further ado, the winner of the Envelopments Roll-O-Decks:

Comment #200 was Courtney, who said:
I’d definitely use it as a sort of modified sketchbook! I tend to sketch out ideas on all sorts of random scraps of paper and end up losing them in giant purses, pockets, etc throughout the day. Carrying a few of these with me and returning them to the roll each night would help me keep track of my ideas. And I’d be at no loss for inspiration when sitting down at my desk with it right there in front of me!
Congratulations, Courtney! I’ll be contacting you shortly for your information so Envelopments can get your new Roll-O-Decks to you!