If you missed it, please check out part one of my super mondo two part holiday card roundup for even more festive greetings, and if you’re looking for lovely letterpress holiday cards, you’ll find many, many possibilities in this year’s “A Letterpress Christmas” series. And now, onto part two of the super mondo-ness!

1. Marimekko Kanteleen Kutsu Cards by Sanna Annukka for Marimekko (I can see these framed as wall art)
2. Merry + Bright Personalized Greeting Cards from Feterie
3. Frameable Elviage Pearl Photographic Cards from Jennifer Squires
4. Gingerbread House Holiday Cards from Snow & Graham
5. Pets Love Christmas Card from Gemma Correll

6. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Cards from La Belle Vie Design
7.Winter Wonderland Illustrated Cards from Alex Perlin
8. Noel Greeting Cards from Inklosures (the Santa design is shown in part one of the roundup – two additional designs available)
9. Personalized Olliegraphic Holiday Cards at Sarah + Abraham (coordinating return address and gift labels available)
10. Indulgent Holiday Cards from I’ll Know It When I See It
11. Personalized Framed Garland Cards from Two Brunettes
12. Screen Printed Holiday Cards from Beau Ideal
images from their respective owners
Marimekko Kanteleen Kutsu Cards