Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US and I, like many Americans, will be celebrating with turkey and all of the fixings. But what I’ve come to realize as I’ve gotten older is that it really is about being grateful — for life, for love, and sometimes even for things that may not seem good right now but which you will hopefully find have helped you learn and grow immeasurably during this journey that we call life.
So, be thankful for the little things, as well as the big, and enjoy your time with family and friends. And, if you happen to be celebrating alone this year, give yourself a great big hug and be thankful that you get all of the leftovers!
If you’re feeling ambitious, you might want to take a crack at the paper craft turkey (chicken, actually) pictured above, spotted on Swissmiss the other day. Gather the family around and start a tradition! Each person gets their own piece to add to the puzzle, and you can all feel triumphant when the little guy is complete. Or you can just zonk on the couch in a tryptophan-induced haze during the football games. Happy Thanksgiving!
image from Atelier Fare