Galinblack Pop Up Greeting Cards

Galinblack Pop Up Card

I’m so digging these handcrafted pop up cards by Etsy seller Galinblack. There’s a creation for every occasion, including a few cute designs for Valentine’s Day and very intricate designs that include the Eiffel Tower (below) and the Ironbridge in Shropshire, UK. $4.50 each at Galinblack’s Etsy shop.

Galinblack Pop Up Card

Galinblack Pop Up Card

Galinblack Pop Up Card

images from Galinblack

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2 comments on “Galinblack Pop Up Greeting Cards

  1. Pingback: New Sponsor : Galinblack

  2. nicole commented //

    what are the steps for making the love pop-up cards?

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