We have a small, somewhat awkward corner niche in our new apartment. Since we moved in about three months ago, I’ve been searching for something that will look great in this space, but I haven’t found anything that I love yet for year ’round display. However, after I saw the October issue of Martha Stewart Living, I had my inspiration for Halloween. I talk more about my pumpkin obsession and show the pictures that inspired me on my personal blog, Domestifluff.
In order to create the display, I purchased a butterfly paper punch, made a quick butterfly template in a few sizes, and got to punching and cutting out cardstock. I used Zots to attach the butterflies to the wall and the pumpkin, and I really like how it came out! This small project has definitely gotten the wheels turning, and I can’t wait to work on my next holiday display!
images from Paper Crave
This is freaking fantastic! I LOVE this.
Corinna http://www.myscrapbooklife.com
Thanks so much, Corinna!