The Paper Crave Newsletters

I am so jazzed to be able to announce the launch of something that I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Allow me to introduce the Paper Crave Newsletters!

The first newsletter is for all of the paper lovers out there, which includes most, if not all, of you who are regular Paper Crave readers. Every month, you’ll receive an eye-candy filled menagerie of everything a paper lover covets. See a summary of what you may have missed on Paper Crave recently, and feast your eyes on bonus paper goodies, as well as sales, specials, giveaways, and new product launches from your favorite paper shops. I love the idea of having a place where I can not only give you a look at what’s been going on on the site, but also a place where I can share goodies and information that are beyond what I’ve been talking about here. Sign up for the Paper Crave Goodies List now!

I’m just as excited about the second newsletter, the Biz List. I’ve been working on the web as a designer, programmer, search engine marketing figure-r outer, and online business owner for about a decade now (man, that makes me feel old). During that time, I’ve picked up heaps of information about what it means to run a business on the web and, during the past almost four years of running Paper Crave, what it means, specifically, to run a paper goods business online. This newsletter is my place to open up a dialogue with you, the stationers, invitation designers, and other paper goods creators. Find out more and sign up for the Biz List (scroll down to the second entry form area for Biz List details).

I’ve also spruced up my contact page, including more details and guidelines about what I like to see in paper goods submissions.

And, if you have a shop/website and have an upcoming product launch, sale, discount, or special that you’d like for me to share in an upcoming Paper Goodies newsletter, please email me at with details and dates. The first newsletter should be going out around mid-July, so anything that’s going on from mid-July to mid-August is something I want to hear about!

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One thought on “The Paper Crave Newsletters

  1. Melissa commented //

    Congratulations on your newest ventures! I just signed up for both of them. 🙂

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