Thank you to everyone who has taken the Paper Crave reader survey so far. Your feedback has been great — keep it coming! For those of you who haven’t yet taken the survey, you still have plenty of time. I’m taking submissions until September 14, and remember that completion of the survey also enters you to win one of two free copies of Home, Paper, Scissors by Patricia Zapata.
I’ve noticed in the feedback that I’ve received so far that a few of you have been having issues seeing images in your RSS feed reader or in your emails. If those of you who have been having trouble have a few moments, would you mind either commenting here or emailing me (kristenATpapercraveDOTcom) and letting me know which feed reader or email program you’re using? I’m trying to get to the bottom of this, and your input will greatly help!
Have a great weekend, everyone. It’s a long weekend here in the US with the Labor Day holiday, so I will see you all back here on Tuesday!