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The Paper Crave Goodies List

Hello, paper lovers! This newsletter is made just for you. Every month, you’ll receive an eye-candy filled menagerie of everything a paper lover covets. See a summary of what you may have missed on Paper Crave recently, and feast your eyes on bonus paper goodies, as well as sales, specials, giveaways, and new product launches from your favorite paper shops. I’m sure there’s going to be stuff in there that I haven’t even thought of yet, too!

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The Paper Crave Biz List

Let’s talk shop! The Paper Crave Biz List is a place where I open up a dialogue with you, the stationers, invitation designers, and other paper goods creators. Get tips and information about operating an online business in the stationery niche, and be the first to know about resources and services that I will be offering to you to help your online business visibility. Plus, learn about calls for submissions and content that my readers and I would love to see on Paper Crave, so you can give me a “hey” and let me know what you have to offer.

Do you have questions or concerns about what’s going on with your business, or do you have topics that you’d like to see me cover in the Biz List newsletter? Please email me at to get the ball rolling.

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