Quick Picks : 2.6.14

Hand Lettered Baby Shower Invitations | Moglea

Hand Lettered Baby Shower Invitations | Moglea

This Week’s Picks

♥ Check out these super cute printable valentines and anti-valentines by Heidi Kenney.

♥ Amazingly realistic crepe paper botanical creations by Anandamayi Arnold. I initially thought that they were real fruits, flowers, and vegetables.

♥ Looking to take your lettering skills to the next level? Have a look at Layouts for Lettering: Hierarchy, Composition, and Type Systems, a new online course taught by Jon Contino.

♥ Lots of great, illustrated and lettered prints happening at Super Precious Art Gallery’s Third Annual Groundhog Day mini-show. Bing!

♥ I am totally digging the hand lettering and neon pink|black|gray palette in the Arts Connect Booklet, designed by Claire Hartley.

♥ Looking for a paper-y job in the Portsmouth, NH area? Gus & Ruby is hiring!

image from Moglea

Valentine’s Day Cards, Pt. 7

I’m wrapping up my Valentine’s Day card roundups with a collection of sweet, heart-themed greetings. And if you’re looking for oodles of additional Love Day card inspiration, then be sure to check out the rest of my roundups, too! Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and Hand Lettered Love #15, Valentine’s Day Edition.

Heart-Themed Valentine's Day Cards as seen on papercrave.com

Above, clockwise from top : You Fill My Hearts | Fat Bunny Press; Sweetheart | Parrott Design Studio; Street Heart | An Open Sketchbook; I Heart You | Fluid Ink Letterpress; Many Hearts | Pistachio Press; Heart Love You | Cheer Up Press

images from their respective sources

Free Valentine’s Day Printables

There are lots of great-looking Valentine’s Day freebies out there this season, and today I’m sharing some of my favorites for your downloading pleasure. Hope you enjoy, and thanks to all of you generous creative types for sharing these super cool free printables!

Free Valentine's Day Printables Roundup as seen on papercrave.com

Above, clockwise from top left : Patterned Pencil Holders | Ciera Design for Simplified Bee; “Love You. Mean It.”Valentines | The Atelier + A Fabulous Fete (via); Valentine Labels | Lia Griffith for World Label; Valentine’s Day Labels & Tags | Confetti Sunshine; “You Are Exstrawordinary” Tags | I Heart Nap Time; Treat Boxes (five styles available) | We Love to Illustrate; DIY Ice Cream Valentines | Design Eat Repeat

images from their respective sources

Valentine’s Day Cards, Pt. 6

When I set out to put together a roundup of naughty valentines, I had no idea just how raunchy cards could get. Woah, baby, I wish I could unsee some of the things that I found!

After much searching (and blushing), I think that I’ve come up with a bunch of cards that are funny, racy, well-designed … and that don’t require an R rating. I hope that you’ll get as much of a kick out of these cards as I have.

Naughty Valentine's Day Cards as seen on papercrave.com

Above, clockwise from top left : Poetry | Matthew Carroll for W+K Studio;  Weiner | Wit & Whistle; Let’s Get Naked | Steel Petal Press; Be On You | 55 Hi’s; Doctor My Tardis | Igloo Letterpress; Take Your Clothes Off | Old Tom Foolery; I Want T-Bone You | Sparkvites; I’d Hit That | Pink Orchid Press

images from their respective sources