D-Bros Fruit Shaped Sticky Notes

Fruit Shaped Sticky Notes

Paper shaped like fruit is, like, the cutest thing ever, isn’t it? These apple and pear shaped sticky notes by D-Bros would be at home on any office desk, and I’m loving that they have cores and stems and come in the foam padding often seen in the produce section at the grocery store. You can purchase the sticky notes here. What a clever idea! – found via Design Collector

Fruit Shaped Sticky Notes

Fruit Shaped Sticky Notes

images from Kök (Japan)

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4 comments on “D-Bros Fruit Shaped Sticky Notes

  1. Leslie commented //

    I want to buy these but the site isn’t in english. Do you know of a place that is in English?

  2. Karen Miedrich-Luo commented //

    Same problem here. I spent 30 minutes trying links to no avail. Any help would be appreciated. I have no clue what 1800 yen is in dollars 🙁

  3. kristen commented //

    I did some looking around, and unfortunately it doesn’t appear that the sticky notes are sold on any other sites besides the Japanese shop that was linked. I’m hoping that, with all of the press they’ve been getting on the blogs lately, that a US distributor will take notice.

    Karen, 1800 yen is a little over $19.00 US.

  4. Erica commented //

    I just purchased these at a Chinese restaurant in Madison WI – super cute!

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