Mr. Crave and I will be moving to a new apartment next week, and I’m beyond excited to be going from our current abode, which features a mish-mosh of mismatched carpeting, wall coverings, and fixtures from the mid-70’s — this is not the kind of vintage that translates well to the present day — to a modern place where everything is absolutely neutral and just waiting to be given some personality.
I’m just itching to start some home projects and crafts that will make the new place our own, and Lena Corwin’s new book, Printing by Hand, is at the top of my wishlist of items sure to get the ideas flowing. I’ve been a fan of Lena’s since I first saw her work, and this book looks like it will be fabulous, with projects ranging from custom stamped stationery and pouches to stenciled furniture and screen printed linens and fabric. I can’t imagine that it will be anything less than a wonderful inspiration.